Something So Big

Sunday, May 24, 2015

May Days

Another milestone this spring...Shae and Paige "graduated" from Sunday School!  I can't believe they're already old enough to start confirmation.  !!
AJ, Shae, Paige, and Alli D. - 6th graders
 The 6th grade rite-of-passage :  Outdoor Education at Wyalusing.  The girls' skits were especially creative!
Paige (in gray/black) with her cabin 

Shae (far right unicorn) with her cabin 
 Say hello to Squeaky and Floppy!  Or is it Wilbur and Babe?  (Or Mark calls them Greg & Doug after his brothers)
 Mothers Day's 2015 - I received a lovely wind chime from Taliesin (Frank Lloyd Wright's home) from Ally, some hugs and laundry folding (hooray!), and this creative card:  "Thanks for raisin' me Mom" with a box of raisins.  Wynne told me she found the idea on Pinterest.  Gotta love it!
 Paige has started sewing lessons with a very kind and generous lady who subs at our school.  She made me this awesome pillowcase!!
After an afternoon/evening at Mark's mom's, we came back home and snagged a picture before bed.  Me and My Six Kids (because a doggie is a needy child, too!)   The kids just keep on growing!  I missed seeing my mom on this day, but the girls and I had a chance to visit with her on Saturday for a while.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Love you lots!

 Last weekend Mark, his mom, and I had a chance to travel to Chicago for his cousin Nicole's wedding.  It was a great day!
cousin Jay and Mark's Aunt Linda (mother of the bride)
 It was a beautiful Greek Orthodox ceremony, full of traditions and held in a lovely church that has been a part of the groom's family for years. Congratulations to Dean and Nicole!
 The reception was held in the Marriott River North with quite a window view!
 After a wonderful dinner and some touching toasts, the father-daughter dance added even more to the e
Joe & Nicole

Meanwhile, school is winding down and we are in the midst of graduation season.  Oh, and youth rec (summer baseball & softball) have started.  We will bring you news from the ball field soon enough!  It's a busy spring, as usual!

Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Psalm 85:11

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pretty in Pink

Four cousins...three different night!
Ally Jo (sophomore), Claire (junior), Noah (senior), & Payton (sophomore)
 This being my first prom photo taking session (okay, Ally went last year, but we didn't gather to take formal photos)....I didn't even think to dress up for a parent-child photo.  Sorry!  Hey, at least I'm in a clean t-shirt. LOL
Amy & Ally, Payton & Marla, Claire & Julie=="The 3 Girls and their kids"
                                           Potosi and Iowa-Grant sophomores looking great!
                                 Many cousins together...don't blink or Wynne & Garrison will be going to prom soon!
                                             Ally and her godmother, Aunt Marla
          Grandma drove over to the photo session just in time! (okay, she missed Claire & Noah, but Ally and Payton were still around!)

                                         stopping over to Grandma Jan's for a quick pic with Dad
                                         After church in Potosi, it's tradition for kids to gather for photos...I was just commenting on all the "pretty colors" of the prom dresses.....and then this poor kid walked into view with "pretty colors" on his eye!  OUCH!  Baseball game mishap the night before ...
2 softball pitchers, Ally & Emily
                  I have to brag about Ally a little bit here.  She works at Holiday Gardens and saved up to buy her own dress, hair clips, bracelet, and half of her hair/make-up.  She picked out a lovely, elegant, and (my favorite word) MODEST gown.  She looked beautiful and way too old for her dad and me.  She is a sophomore and has informed me that the juniors are the only ones who get to wear the big poofy dresses.  Should I start saving up$ already??  Anyway, she went with her junior friends --like Callie here--and had a great time.
It was a tiring day, lots of running around to appointments, picking up fake nails at Walmart (ha!), etc. ..then trying to sleep but lying by my phone waiting for texts to see when she needed a ride home from post-prom.  Thankfully her night went well and she arrived home--safe and sound--and is sleeping right now (the night after).  Whew!

Confirmed in Christ

Last weekend, Cy gave his faith statement at church.  He did a great job!  I like how he mentioned working with his dad and learning to do everything well, "as working for the Lord and not for man" (Colossians).  
 Pastor Mark blessed each one of the was a big service because as you can see..
 it was a really BIG confirmation class!  What started out as nine kids from our church ended up being eighteen!  Friends brought friends.  Pastor Mark does a great job with the kids!

Nathan, Felicia, Cy, Maddy, Hannah among others
Lots of family came back for this, including Cy's godparents Uncle Brian and Aunt Sara!

 It was great to have a beautiful afternoon to enjoy family, food, and sports.  I thought they'd play softball, but this time it was basketball!
 Uncle Jamey and his almost-1-year-old daughter Harper!
 The newest Engelke cousin, Charlie! with Grandma E. and his daddy Uncle Tim :)
 Maddy and Wynne opening up Wynne's birthday presents....Look! Juicy fruit!!
 Mark set up the mini-basketball backboards from his mom's house (probably 20 years old) so the Siegert uncles had some nostalgic times playing garage hoops.!
 Payton and Brock, the almost-4 and 4-year-old cousins! Sorry we lost that steering wheel a long time ago...but the dumper still works;)

Grandpa Donny and Wynne
 Uncle Mark gave 4-wheeler rides......
 ...and one last basketball game with a very accomplished little baller, Brock!
Thanks to everyone who made it!  What a special day it was for our son!
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.--Colossians 3:17