Something So Big

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cute Things They Say, Second Grade Edition

Wynne's teacher is so iPad-savvy...and so are her students.  Look what came into my school email inbox  a few weeks ago.  It made my WEEK :)

The first sentence gave me a warm fuzzy.  I was basking in the love, and then came the second sentence.  A bit greedy, but not too pretentious.  At least she was being honest;)

And then last week, another feel-good moment.  The kind that you pat yourself on the back for being such a good parent, raising a selfless young lady who thinks of others!! ha!!  (This, of course, after the kids had paid a  few dollars to wear pajamas to raise money for the Philippines disaster relief.)

"Mom, we raised $236 for the Philistines"!

uh-oh....Goliath has financial backing??!!
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. --1 Samuel 17:45

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Mixed Bag

In the span of a week, we can experience so many highs and lows.  Mediums, too.  November is almost over and it's crazy to not be blogging about it till now!

A recap of the month so far:  Shae competed in the 5th and 6th grade math contest at our local CESA.  The team placed third!  

Playing football in November is always our goal.  It's such an honor to be playing that late.  Unfortunately, the season ended two weeks earlier than we would have liked it to...but 10-2 is nothing to be ashamed of.  Great season, Chieftains!
 Uncle Joey came to visit and taught the girls how to make his amazing firehouse pretzels!  Salty and sugared, take your pick!
 The annual AD convention at the Dells is something our kids look forward to for about a year.  This is right before we went into a laser gun/3D ineractive movie thing.  I guess you'd call it 4D because the seats move (I think?).  We went into this thing 3 times and I failed miserably each time.  Not sure why my name is Amy if I don't have any aim.!  I really think I have taken some good shots, but the score card doesn't lie!  Cy took this game every time, but Mark dominates at the laser tag.  We kept a score for each of us, of course.  Competition makes the whole thing a lot richer of an experience, right?  

 Cy got 100% on his plant cell model out of ... you guessed it!  Great job, Cyrus!
I got to go to my first Badger game in 19 years last weekend.  Despite the cold rainy conditions, it was awesome!

 Barry Alvarez was on the field at pre-game.
 My personal favorite:  The Badger Band !!!!!!!!!!!!! Note the high step.  I've been in a college band and I know how hard these steps and formations are.  But we didn't have to hold our music with one hand and our instrument in the other....amazing!!!
And there's BUCKY !!! 

 If can't agree on our professional football affiliations, at least we can all agree on our favorite college team. :)
 Prior to the second quarter the team from 1993-94 was recognized for the 20th anniversary of our first Badger victory at the Rose Bowl!

One last look at our favorite football team.  Great effort, boys!

Being Somebody Else

Sometimes it's fun to dress up and pretend you're somebody else...
Stonefield Halloween 2013
...whether you're a Spider Girl...

 ...or an impulsive little kid...

Cy and the Character Company
                                                           ...or even a Dunkin' Donut!
No matter if you miscalculate or feel antiquated sometimes....'s okay to play dress-up every now and then.
My library assistant & good friend Mary join the kitchen gang Bernie, Rose, Betty, & Tara

Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don't let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.--Romans 13-14