Something So Big

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just a - swingin'

Wynne's spring science fair project was to find out:  Will a bigger person swing faster than a smaller one?
The test subject:  Shae (middle weight)...

Wynne (light weight)...

and Mom (heavyweight champion of the world?).

It was our first-ever science fair, and we had it available for all grades 1-5 students to participate.  Some students were mentored by middle/high school kids with their projects for about 8 weeks prior, while others (like Wynne) were "at home contestants", having to prepare their whole project on their own time.

Wynne's mommy helped set up her experiment chart and made sure she showed every step of the Scientific Method.  Wynne's daddy helped build the miniature swingset for pendulums.
Congratulations to all contestants!  The ones holding certificates were recognized for Best Display of the Scientific Method (including our Little Bear)!  I was pretty proud of her for choosing to participate.
Oh! Almost forgot.  Wynne, what did you discover with their investigation?
It doesn't matter how big you are.  The only thing that matters for swing speed is the length of the swing!  (so Mom doesn't swing any faster than me!)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

VBS 2014, Ballgames, & Family Reunion

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sadly I found a whole bunch of summer posts that never were published because I didn't have captions written on them yet.  Now of course, 6 months later, I don't remember all the details...but here's a quick re-cap.....

Potosi Vacation Bible School had a water/cooling anger & jealousy theme this year:  "Washed Over Me"!   Mark and his games crew had all kinds of fun ways to get wet!
Here I am in the music room with Jamie L., leading the tunes.  Some of our biggest songs (besides "Washed Over Me") were "Nothing Ever Can Separate Us", "Your Love Never Changes", and Jamie Grace's "Do Life BIG"!
We interrupt VBS to bring you a home baseball game.  Cypes on first.....
...and back to VBS with the amazing Carolyn R. (in background) and her AWESOME arts and crafts! Wynne and friends enjoyed it.

Everyone's favorite (besides water games):  SNACKS!  Thanks, Carol D., for donating your time to be everyone's favorite snack dispenser!!
Cy (and Ally) helped at the games area.
Now doesn't this look FUN??  Those lucky kids.
Diane devoted another week for us, teaching Bible lessons in her smart, down-to-earth way.
Family night music time........
...with Pastor Mark, Nate, Greg, & kids!!
Riley didn't mind sitting on the dunk tank that warm June evening.  The line to dunk him never ended!
Mark had this cool "tight rope over pools" set up.  Another crowd favorite!!

Next up: the twins' softball games.  First time with REAL pitching!! Go Paigey!!
Shaeby Baby....
Greg & Ryker (and family) came to visit - so we got together at Grandpa Donny's one night...
..which always involves a Gator ride!!  Again, aren't kids so lucky??
Engelke Family Reunion late June: Elsie, Joseph & mommy Maryellen enjoy the Belmont Village Park .
First Engelke reunion without Dad.  Uncle Tom (white hat) and Aunt Joyce (in red, to his left) head the family now, as Aunt  Ruby passed away this winter.  But Dad and all beloved aunts, uncles, Grandma and Grandpa, were of course present in our hearts and memories!
Mom brought a bunch of amazing old pictures from the family/Belmont.  Aunt Joyce told us that one of her aunts was the head of the millinery shop in downtown Belmont.
Grandpa Bill and Grandma Margaret E.
I never knew them, but one day it will be neat to finally meet them!

Dear Aunt Eileen.  One of the kindest people you could know!

Aunt Agnes, another of Dad's sisters (a school teacher).
This is my Uncle Cal.  Oddly enough, he resembles my great-niece (Deb's granddaughter) Evelyn!
Paige enjoyed hearing twin stories from my second cousins Anita and Renee Riechling (with their sister Jennifer on the right).  The twin bond is a neat thing!
And last up for this post:  Cy with his baby cousin Ryker (Greg and Marin's youngest).  Handsome guys!
 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.--Romans 8: 38-39