Something So Big

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Every 4 Years We Vote for President and...

Take a picture by the waterfall at Eagle Point Park in Dubuque, Iowa! Wow, the kids have grown. I mean, I know that is a big "duh" to most parents, but when you compare two pictures from "then and now", it really hits you. As new parents people often told Mark and me, "Enjoy your kids while they're little because the years go by so fast" and we were like "Yeah, whatever--you come over and sit up all night with them or clean up their poops and pukes" but now that our oldest kids are in elementary school, we know the truth. Time has flown. The kids are so fun to be with--and we want to just freeze them at this age before they want nothing to do with us!!
A while ago I heard a saying about parenthood that went something like this, "The days go by slowly, but the years go by quickly." Oh so true.
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. --Psalm 90:12

Friday, May 23, 2008

In Memory of the "Cinderella Girl"

Memorial Day weekend is here and I have been trying to find words to express my sympathy and sorrow for the family of Maria Chapman, a little girl who died last week in an accident at her home (see link below). Maria is the youngest daughter of Steven Curtis & Mary Beth Chapman. (For those who may not know, Steven Curtis Chapman is a Christian music artist.)

About a month ago I heard Chapman's song "Cinderella" on the radio and fell in love with the lyrics (posted below). This song takes on an extra meaning now as their family deals with this horrible tragedy. My prayers are with the Chapman family!

CINDERELLA - by Steven Curtis Chapman
She spins and she sways
To whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing

The weight of the world on my shoulders
It's been a long day
And there's still work to do
She's pulling at me Saying "Dad, I need you
There's a ball at the castle
And I've been invited
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I danced with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I danced with Cinderella
I don't wanna miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone...

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed
She wants to know if I approve of her dress
She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?" (Chorus)

Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowing and telling us all they had planned
She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away
But I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?" (Chorus)

If you have daughters, you can SO relate to the lyrics. I am not as good as their daddy about slowing down to dance with our girls. I have to go hug my Cinderellas now!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Family Video from March - April 2008

Just discovered how to make slide shows! You can turn the sound on or off (just click on the little sound/mute button).

Family Video from January-February 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Boy and His Heroes

If you ask Cy who his heroes are, his first answer will be Dad. Second will be Jesus. Excellent choices for a little boy! After that, he may say Superman, Indiana Jones, or Luke Skywalker, depending on the mood he's in. (Feeling strong and able to overcome obstacles? Man of Steel. Feeling adventurous & loving history? Indy. Feeling like a light saber? May the Force be with you.)
At any rate, for the sake of posterity I thought I would document the last 3 1/2 years of Cy's strong need to be a super hero. I must apologize to those gender-neutral parenting types out there because this post is probably coming off pretty macho. Believe me; we encourage our son to embrace all sides of his being (with 4 sisters, it's hard not to don a fluffy frou-frou once in awhile). The thing is--this is who Cy is. He IS his heroes. He envisions them, makes up stories about them, writes about them, draws them, acts out movies about them, and applies their principles of right & wrong to his life.
Good stuff.

Trying to be like Jesus, our #1 hero! VBS 2007

Indiana Jones on a letterboxing hunt, age 7 1/2

Shark Boy (Lava Girl not pictured) age 7

Three years into the Superman obsession. Often signs his name "SuperCy", age 7

Dad's future linebacker. Go Chieftains!!

Favre Forever!! Age 6 1/2

He-man or The Thing Fantastic 4 guy, age 6 1/2

Batman & catgirls age 6 1/2

Superman (with Supergirl) age 6

Spidey age 5

Sportacus age 5

First Family Campfire of 2008

First, let me show you our first campfire of 2006. The most obvious differences are in Wynne (6-week-old baby peeking out of the stroller) and in Cyrus. (He still wears the Superman shirt, though. Along with about 5 other versions.) ...and now, 2008.
Resourceful kids: using mini-marshmallows (we didn't have large ones on hand) and chocolate chips (no candy bars here).

The anticipation of the s'more.

Simple pleasures!

"This is the best day EVER"

(by Paige & Shae, age 5)

...because we get to go to the zoo
...with Mommy all to ourselves (no baby to hold)
...riding the carousel (because there aren't 5 kids to buy rides for, only 2!)
...playing at the new children's zoo (climbing walls, riding zip lines etc.)
...seeing the pretty pink flamingos
...pretending to be lions, chimps, & polar bears
...getting unlimited "underducks" from Mom
...eating a cold lunch with juice boxes
...holding hands with Mom
...singing silly songs on the ride home
...being good & tired by nightfall (last one by Mom)

Yellow Birdie

Just another mom who thinks her baby is beautiful here. Aunt Julie gave her yellow crocs for her birthday and Wynnie's pretty proud of them! (And her sisters are jealous because no one else in our house has ever had crocs...I know; we are deprived.)
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." --Luke 18:16

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cute Things They Say (Before I Forget)

"Glad thing I took my umbrella to school today!" --Paige & Shae, age 5
"Koob" (book) -- Wynne, age 2
"Basik" (basket) -- Ally when she was 3-4
"Buddy" (butter) -- Wynne, age 2
"Waddy" (wate) -- Wynne, age 2
"Wedgiecaster" (Cash register) --Ally, age 3-4
"Woims" (worms) -- Paige, age 5
"Waitasecond!" -- Cy, age 6
"Gunk!" (milk) -- Wynne, age 2
"I very want you to play with me!" --Paige & Shae, age 4
"Bupp" (butt) -- Wynne, age 18 months
"Nockerus" (rhinoceros) -- Cy, age 3
"Kepuch" (ketchup) -- Shae, age 3-4

My Supervisors.

Here they are. This picture was taken last spring for Father's Day (dad's a football coach; hence, the pressbox/field backdrop). Ally (then 8 1/2), Shae (4), Wynne (14 months), Cy (6), & Paige (4). Almost a year later, my supervisors are, of course, bigger and feistier.