Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hello Rat Race

I miss writing here.  I've been doing several consecutive days of substitute teaching, for which I am grateful, but man it's been kicking my @#$%!.
I've always considered myself an industrious person who stays busy, but not this crazy busy.  I mean, gone all day and then gone most nights, running a girl to volleyball, a boy to football, a girl to confirmation (and usually lugging the younger kids along, which is fun for everyone NOT)....oh and once in a while, we see their father/my husband.  Not complaining (oh wait, maybe I am a little!), just really need a day off to catch up on housework, sewing, card writing, prayer time etc.  God doesn't take a day off and He's been waiting for me to re-connect with Him.  Thank goodness for Sunday mornings at the very least!!

There will be no pics on the blog for while because the main house computer is down.  AGAIN.  Happened a few months ago and we lost everything I hadn't saved on the external hard drive (including the most recent pictures.  It's a wee bit frustrating.  Just a wee. 

This blog post comes to you courtesy of my husband's work laptop.  I really shouldn't be taking the time  to write this, but it's my goal to get a post up at least once a week (if not more) here it is.  The Rat Race.  Up in the dark hours doing my usual workout, but then hustling to get outside chores done so I can shower and get the kids ready for school, getting myself ready for school at the same time.  Breakfast?  A thing of the past.  Lunch?  Twenty minutes if I'm lucky.  Bathroom breaks?  Welcome back to elementary school teaching, where bladders are tested along with your patience.  I'm telling you, the people we entrust our children to from 8 to 3:30 every day deserve a big fat raise and luxury suite in heaven someday.  Not to say that I have not enjoyed teaching--I've loved it--but come on, these people need a few minutes off to breathe once in a while!!

Funny thing is, the money I've just made subbing is already gone.  Tractor repair bill is still waiting to be paid and guess what?  The washing machine broke AGAIN.  Second time in about a month.  I know what's wrong with it and tried to fix it myself .  Big mistake - now the already-too-loose-seal is even looser and there is a spring sticking out that shouldn't really be there.  >Insert flushing sound here (for money flushing down the toilet)<  Why oh why can't I have one of my gazillion relatives be a PLUMBER?? Please !! 
Hey I ran my first 5K yesterday for the area rescue squad fundraiser!  fun time, kinda weird to run in a run that wasn't a "race".  Everybody started running wasn't timed.  I timed myself (because truly, what is the point otherwise?) and actually had a decent time despite a stiff back.  21 minutes 23 seconds, I will take that!  (I'll also take a new back, while I'm asking!)

My niece Crystal is healing....long road ahead of her but she's a trooper.  My mom and dad are packing up a lifetime of memories and getting ready to move into a newer, easier-to-live-in house.  The kids and I went over yesterday to "help" with more packing.  I say "help" with quotation marks because I'm not sure if we really were helping or frustrating my mom! Ha!  She has to be so patient with us!  The kids love looking at the wonderland of memories in the house and all over the farm.  I told my dad, "It's like a museum here".  He nodded and smiled.  I know it's going to be tough for him and Mom to move, so they need some extra prayers if you have any.  We are all so lucky and blessed.

Girls Day Out is coming up in 3 weeks!  I'm one of the organizers--it's kinda my pet project, having all these girls as offspring here.  God put it on my heart to have a time of uplifting, Christian encouragement for girls ages 5 on up....and you should see what He's doing with it this year.  #1 it's in the afternoon and not at night this year, so that's different and yet probably a better move since we should have a more relaxing time (Sunday afternoon, October 30)....#2 the Packers aren't playing so there's no excuse for anybody NOT to attend !! :) .......#3 we have an all-girls praise band coming to lead worship (high school girls, how cool is that).....#4 the keynoter is from our church, a beautiful young woman currently attending college in Madison and ready to share her personal story of how God has been working in her life since a debilitating car accident  a few year sago....#5 we have a recycling theme and I can't wait to see what our girls/moms put together for the "recycled fashions" show!  My girls are already set with the dresses/shrugs we wore to the wedding last month.  I sure hope I can talk my mom, sisters, nieces and goddaughters into attending this event.   Looking forward to it so much!

Time to sign off- I just hit a button somewhere on this laptop that shrunk this screen down to about 1/8th the original size.  Forgive me for misspelling anything because I can hardly see it anymore! 

God doesn't want us to run the Rat Race, I don't think.  I just have to figure out how to balance everything and take one more crack at the washing machine--
till next time--;)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6


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