Falling for FALL!
Fall is my favorite season, and it goes by too quickly. All of a sudden you notice that it isn't summer anymore...and it's time to break out the warmer clothes. But then you have to shed some of those clothes as the day progresses and the sun warms the leaves into breathtaking shades of orange, yellow, and red. And brown. Brown is my black, I always say...it's one of my favorite colors!
We have been fortunate here in southwest Wisconsin to be enjoying a little patch of beautiful warm autumn days. God seemed to reserve the sunniest afternoon for our after-school Christian Kids Club Fall Harvest Party a few days ago. Instead of having club at school that day, we had early-release time and everyone headed out to our place. My co-leader brought the treats, and I set up a 10 Commandments Obstacle Course/Bible Blitz (quiz). Everyone who came had fun, I think, and each child earned their Moses Bible Patch!
The best part was probably when my cousin Bob called during the party and said, "Hey, I freed up -- do you want me to come over and give the kids a hayride?"
Praise God for unexpected acts of kindness! :)

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. --Psalm 19:1
We have been fortunate here in southwest Wisconsin to be enjoying a little patch of beautiful warm autumn days. God seemed to reserve the sunniest afternoon for our after-school Christian Kids Club Fall Harvest Party a few days ago. Instead of having club at school that day, we had early-release time and everyone headed out to our place. My co-leader brought the treats, and I set up a 10 Commandments Obstacle Course/Bible Blitz (quiz). Everyone who came had fun, I think, and each child earned their Moses Bible Patch!
The best part was probably when my cousin Bob called during the party and said, "Hey, I freed up -- do you want me to come over and give the kids a hayride?"
Praise God for unexpected acts of kindness! :)

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. --Psalm 19:1
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