Birthday Surprise
One of the many blessings of being a stay-at-home-mom (and sending your children to school) is getting to take a room like this...

...and make a birthday present like this!

Do you know how hard it is to find matching comforters for a twin/full bunk bed??
I searched for months! Happiness is finding what you've been searching a long time for AND it's on clearance!!

It took me roughly 4 and a half hours to paint those circles. (Keep in mind we have TEXTURED walls. And a two-year-old who likes a two-year-old. Darn distractions!!)

Her smile was worth it, though!!
I thank God every time I think of you. --Phillipians 1:15

...and make a birthday present like this!

Do you know how hard it is to find matching comforters for a twin/full bunk bed??
I searched for months! Happiness is finding what you've been searching a long time for AND it's on clearance!!

It took me roughly 4 and a half hours to paint those circles. (Keep in mind we have TEXTURED walls. And a two-year-old who likes a two-year-old. Darn distractions!!)

Her smile was worth it, though!!
I thank God every time I think of you. --Phillipians 1:15
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