Letter to My 10-Year-Old

Dear Ally,
Thank you for being such a blessing to your dad and me. Ten years ago you initiated us into the world of parenting, and for the most part, you've been pretty easy on us. You were such a beautiful round baby girl, a perfect example of God's love and design. Being the youngest in my family, I didn't have much experience with babysitting or infant care, so parenthood was extremely overwhelming for me. Thank you for teaching me so much, honey!

It didn't take long for your big brown eyes and easygoing nature to melt our hearts.

One year came and went before we knew it!

You started working on computer at an early age (21 months, to be exact). (Good thing Webkinz weren't around back then!!)

You must have known you were going to be a fantastic big sister. You started training early on for the job. (with eyelashes that won't quit)

Every little girl dreams of their wedding day, and you are no exception. I love to lie on your bed at night and talk with you about your dreams of the perfect dress, the color scheme, and most importantly --the young man I pray for who has Jesus in his heart, with you a close second.

Your birthday lands in the middle of football season, but you don't mind. You and I are your dad's team's biggest cheerleaders!!

Kindergarten was a special year for us. The day you entered school was the day that our life went on extreme fast-forward. Good thing you have the patience and caring heart to put up with your little brother and sisters, and to remind your mother that true joy is found in the little things.

All of a sudden, you turned seven and were decorating your own birthday cakes and helping Mom get ready for a new baby! Thanks for always taking the time to set up games and playlands for everybody. Even though I complain about the "mess", I know that you are going to be responsible and kind enough to clean up later. (And how can you discover your creativity without getting a little messy?)

By the age of nine, you already understood the benefits of giving over receiving. You buy your siblings presents--not just on their birthdays--and you donated your beautiful long, wavy, dark hair to cancer patients in need. You are sensitive to other's needs, and sometimes we have to remind you to stand up for yourself!

You love being with your family, including your many cousins. Your spirit shines through your eyes and through your actions. You are silly, sensitive, smart, sweet, hardworking, helpful, and fun-loving. You are everything we could ever ask for in a daughter...and more. My only regret is that I don't tell you often enough how proud I am of you, and how much I love you.
Happy Birthday, Pookie!
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