Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Long-lost Twins

Okay, yesterday I told you about this little puppy we saw at the Galena Country Fair that looks a lot like Mickey. Again, here he (or she!) is:

And a close-up:

They say (whoever "They" are) that everyone has a long-lost twin somewhere. Mine supposedly lives in Cuba City (I have yet to meet her)! The custodian at the college theatre always told me I was the spitting image of that girl. Anyway, back to the pups...Here's Mickey as a pup a dozen years ago...

...is there NOT a strong resemblance?? Here's the Mickster this spring, not the greatest picture but you get an idea of canine age progression...

I am probably biased, but I think Mickey is a little cuter than the Galena doggie...but they're both pretty stinkin' cute. I have yet to show the pictures to Mickey--his aging eyes can't see the camera viewfinder very well. I'll have to print out the pics or let him sit at the computer, I guess.
Oh brother, where art thou?


Blogger Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

LOL! Long lost twins....

Mickey is cuter than the other one!

Hmmm...I've apparently got lots of long lost twins in various towns in Alaska that I've never met. I look like someone in Soldotna and someone else in Seward according to people I went to the University with.

October 12, 2010 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger Amy Siegert said...

Wouldn't it be kind of funny to meet them someday?

October 13, 2010 at 6:02 AM  

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