My Own Version of a Hangover
Anyone who knows me will laugh out loud at that title. Mark and I don't drink a whole lot, a glass of wine or wine cooler maybe once a month. We're not teetotalers; we just don't have the desire to imbibe. Plus we've seen what damage alcohol abuse can do, so we just don't go there.
However, I think I'm having my own version of a hangover. The big anniversary party weekend kind of took its toll on me, as I'm still trying to recover from a touch of walking pneumonia and I just feel tired all of the time. Maybe it has a little something to do with the two late-nighters I pulled trying to get 635 pictures scanned and edited into a memory DVD for the occasion. I don't know what a real hangover feels like, but this one was so worth it. The fun our family had last weekend was totally worth it!
After the reception, some of the folks came down to our house on Saturday night to have supper and watch the movie. My brother Ken brought a video projector so we could watch the movie outdoors, on the north side of the shed. It was awesome! Just before showtime, Megan and Crystal put their little cousin's hair up in curlers. Thanks girls; Lord knows I need all the hair help I can get!!

See, we had the big family picture taken the next day. I have been trying to get 67 people together for this big family picture for over a YEAR. Brother Dan had the perfect place at his farm all set up for this, but of course it rained (hard) on Sunday morning, so we had to relocate to the local high school gym.

My sister Julie french-braided the twins' hair. Here you can see Paige's...doesn't it look pretty?

Here's the front-side version of Paige and Wynne, albeit blurry. Try keeping a bunch of kids still during a photo session in a gymnasium. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

Of course right after that last picture, Shae whimpered, "What about ME???" You can see that her left front (big) tooth is finally starting to come down. (That was the one knocked out a year and a half ago in a collision with the new kitchen floor.)

Here's the rest of my gang, waiting patiently for my siblings' families to get their pictures taken. It took two hours to run through 9 individual families, grandparents/grandkids/great-grandkids pictures...but that's pretty quick considering we had 66 people there. The goal was all 67, but one of my nephews was 10 hours away playing summer collegiate league baseball. We still managed to fill a whole section of bleachers, though!

Sunday night we stayed up late helping Mark set up the locker room for football season. The kids enjoy climbing into the huge lockers and playing jail (or whatever it is that they play after they get bored of cutting out posters and locker badges). In the meantime, part of one of my teeth broke off (upper left molar something-or-other), and I was lucky enough to sneak into the dentist right after Wynne's orthodontist appointment on Monday morning. Wynne sat patiently in the corner and watched while I had my tooth sanded off, drilled, and re-filled. Afterwards, she came up to me, patted my hand and said, "I'm proud of you, Mom." How can you not love this kid??

Later that day my awesome husband prepared supper while I took a nap...yes I said A NAP. What is that? I had almost forgotten, but with a sore mouth and codeine for my chest, I just couldn't stay awake all day. A little bear cub snuggled in there with me, apparently tuckered out from the big weekend/early appointments, too!

No headache, no vomiting, no forgetting what happened last night...I'll take my version of a hangover over the traditional one any day!
This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. --Psalm 118:24
However, I think I'm having my own version of a hangover. The big anniversary party weekend kind of took its toll on me, as I'm still trying to recover from a touch of walking pneumonia and I just feel tired all of the time. Maybe it has a little something to do with the two late-nighters I pulled trying to get 635 pictures scanned and edited into a memory DVD for the occasion. I don't know what a real hangover feels like, but this one was so worth it. The fun our family had last weekend was totally worth it!
After the reception, some of the folks came down to our house on Saturday night to have supper and watch the movie. My brother Ken brought a video projector so we could watch the movie outdoors, on the north side of the shed. It was awesome! Just before showtime, Megan and Crystal put their little cousin's hair up in curlers. Thanks girls; Lord knows I need all the hair help I can get!!
See, we had the big family picture taken the next day. I have been trying to get 67 people together for this big family picture for over a YEAR. Brother Dan had the perfect place at his farm all set up for this, but of course it rained (hard) on Sunday morning, so we had to relocate to the local high school gym.
My sister Julie french-braided the twins' hair. Here you can see Paige's...doesn't it look pretty?
Here's the front-side version of Paige and Wynne, albeit blurry. Try keeping a bunch of kids still during a photo session in a gymnasium. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Of course right after that last picture, Shae whimpered, "What about ME???" You can see that her left front (big) tooth is finally starting to come down. (That was the one knocked out a year and a half ago in a collision with the new kitchen floor.)
Here's the rest of my gang, waiting patiently for my siblings' families to get their pictures taken. It took two hours to run through 9 individual families, grandparents/grandkids/great-grandkids pictures...but that's pretty quick considering we had 66 people there. The goal was all 67, but one of my nephews was 10 hours away playing summer collegiate league baseball. We still managed to fill a whole section of bleachers, though!
Sunday night we stayed up late helping Mark set up the locker room for football season. The kids enjoy climbing into the huge lockers and playing jail (or whatever it is that they play after they get bored of cutting out posters and locker badges). In the meantime, part of one of my teeth broke off (upper left molar something-or-other), and I was lucky enough to sneak into the dentist right after Wynne's orthodontist appointment on Monday morning. Wynne sat patiently in the corner and watched while I had my tooth sanded off, drilled, and re-filled. Afterwards, she came up to me, patted my hand and said, "I'm proud of you, Mom." How can you not love this kid??
Later that day my awesome husband prepared supper while I took a nap...yes I said A NAP. What is that? I had almost forgotten, but with a sore mouth and codeine for my chest, I just couldn't stay awake all day. A little bear cub snuggled in there with me, apparently tuckered out from the big weekend/early appointments, too!
No headache, no vomiting, no forgetting what happened last night...I'll take my version of a hangover over the traditional one any day!
This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. --Psalm 118:24
Oh gosh! I'm totally amazed by all that you do!
I do hope that you're feeling better. A nap sounds like excellent "medicine". I'm sure any doctor would prescribe one for you!
(Wynne's going to the orthodontist?)
THanks, yeah Wynne has inherited her daddy's underbite. Sigh. All we can do now is just wait till she's 7 and see how things progress. No course of action just yet!
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