Shiner Sister
She wasn't smiling when it happened!!
Our little Paige-a-roosie got herself a pretty good shiner last week. She learned the hard way why there are rules about not running in the halls!
As with most things, the timing couldn't have been better. She ran into another classmate at her summer school class about two minutes before they were set to perform their Reader's Theater performance.
As the other kids and I are walking up the hall, anticipating a wonderful little play by my wonderful little girl, out comes the school administrator telling me to please go into his wife's classroom. (His wife taught Paige's class.)
Not that I would wish this injury on any of my kids, but if I had my choice between the twins, I would have picked Shae to be on the receiving end. Paige is ULTRA sensitive, rather dramatic, and very, very stubborn. She is the type of kid that says "Don't look at me!" when she is upset about the slightest thing. I walked into a classroom where 5 other kids in costume were waiting for Paige to stop sobbing so they could get "on with the show"!
I saw the puffy eye starting to turn colors, and by golly that thing looked sore. I hugged her and said, "That looks like it hurts, honey! But you have everyone depending on you and you'll be alright! You can do it!" After all, I was a theater minor and I know all about how "the show must go on". Her teacher was happy to hear that I wasn't going to baby her too much, because truly--they were stuck. Next door was a room full of family and students, waiting to see this performance.
I'm such a mean mom, but hey, we're talking 10 minutes. Fifteen tops. (And Mrs. Lozeau smartly hid the icepack in her bandana!)
I'm so glad that Paigey toughed it out, because the 3 little plays they read were so darn cute. I don't remember much about the first one except that it was farm-related and they ended up with egg on their heads!
All of the readings were farm-related. The last one was Doreen Cronin's hilarious "Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type". It was adorable!!
I was so proud of Paige, and four days later she is enjoying the rainbow colors under her eye. Her dad calls her the Shiner Sister!
Her twin sister had a reader's theater performance earlier that day (I think it was my 2nd out of 6 trips to town that day. Can't remember for sure though--it's kind of a blur.) I am bragging but I'm not lying when I say that Shae read LOUD and CLEAR in her part as "the babysitter".
Shae's group performed "Going on a Bear Hunt" and did a super job with all of their "sets". Here they are trudging through the mud and into the forest!
Not sure why they were so scared of this cute little bear!
Wearing your PJs is always a kid favorite. Actually, I think it's a grown-up favorite, as well! At any rate, the plays were cute and I'm so grateful for the fantastic enrichment classes that our kids can take at our summer school. Each of our kids picked one class they really wanted to take (be it one-week or two-week, a few hours a day), and it's been a good thing.
Shine on, kids...shine on! (Just try not to get a shiner next time, okay?)
Our little Paige-a-roosie got herself a pretty good shiner last week. She learned the hard way why there are rules about not running in the halls!
As with most things, the timing couldn't have been better. She ran into another classmate at her summer school class about two minutes before they were set to perform their Reader's Theater performance.
As the other kids and I are walking up the hall, anticipating a wonderful little play by my wonderful little girl, out comes the school administrator telling me to please go into his wife's classroom. (His wife taught Paige's class.)
Not that I would wish this injury on any of my kids, but if I had my choice between the twins, I would have picked Shae to be on the receiving end. Paige is ULTRA sensitive, rather dramatic, and very, very stubborn. She is the type of kid that says "Don't look at me!" when she is upset about the slightest thing. I walked into a classroom where 5 other kids in costume were waiting for Paige to stop sobbing so they could get "on with the show"!
I saw the puffy eye starting to turn colors, and by golly that thing looked sore. I hugged her and said, "That looks like it hurts, honey! But you have everyone depending on you and you'll be alright! You can do it!" After all, I was a theater minor and I know all about how "the show must go on". Her teacher was happy to hear that I wasn't going to baby her too much, because truly--they were stuck. Next door was a room full of family and students, waiting to see this performance.
I'm such a mean mom, but hey, we're talking 10 minutes. Fifteen tops. (And Mrs. Lozeau smartly hid the icepack in her bandana!)
I'm so glad that Paigey toughed it out, because the 3 little plays they read were so darn cute. I don't remember much about the first one except that it was farm-related and they ended up with egg on their heads!
All of the readings were farm-related. The last one was Doreen Cronin's hilarious "Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type". It was adorable!!
I was so proud of Paige, and four days later she is enjoying the rainbow colors under her eye. Her dad calls her the Shiner Sister!
Her twin sister had a reader's theater performance earlier that day (I think it was my 2nd out of 6 trips to town that day. Can't remember for sure though--it's kind of a blur.) I am bragging but I'm not lying when I say that Shae read LOUD and CLEAR in her part as "the babysitter".
Shae's group performed "Going on a Bear Hunt" and did a super job with all of their "sets". Here they are trudging through the mud and into the forest!
Not sure why they were so scared of this cute little bear!
Wearing your PJs is always a kid favorite. Actually, I think it's a grown-up favorite, as well! At any rate, the plays were cute and I'm so grateful for the fantastic enrichment classes that our kids can take at our summer school. Each of our kids picked one class they really wanted to take (be it one-week or two-week, a few hours a day), and it's been a good thing.
Shine on, kids...shine on! (Just try not to get a shiner next time, okay?)
Paige- Shine On!!!!
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