Friday, December 11, 2009

You Learn Something New Every Day

I've learned a few things over the past few weeks...
1. Invest in an external hard drive lest your computer crashes and you lose everything.
2. Be willing to give up two hours in an online chat with printer tech support if you don't follow #1.
3. Number 7 plastic is NOT the same as Number 6 plastic.
4. Stick with your mom's old recipe for peanut butter bon bons. Don't try to get all healthy with new ingredients. Christmas is about butter -- I mean, tradition!
5. Rams are more aggressive eaters than bull calves.
6. Pumpkins taste pretty darn tasty after a few killing frosts. Just ask the rams and bull calves!
7. Shower curtain liners from the dollar store last about 2 days. (As my husband loves to say, "You get what you pay for.")
8. Snow days are a much-needed break, a chance to sleep in a bit, and a chance to get some good ol-fashioned exercise.

9. Snow days are God's way of saying, "Time to make some Christmas cookies."

And 10. Hot chocolate is good for the soul!

Surely you desire truth in the inner parts ; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.--Psalm 51:6


Blogger Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Fantastic! Love those cookies! and hot chocolate...YUMMY!

Oops on the external hard drive. We bought one at Sam's Club. Knock on wood we haven't needed to use it but it's there!

December 11, 2009 at 4:57 PM  

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