My Kind of Day
I don't know if it's a mom thing, but normally I don't like having the spotlight turned on me. My Christian upbringing has instilled a humility inside of me (the kind where I would rather focus on what Jesus did for me, because I sin and fall short of His glory every minute of the day).
This is not to say that I am a sad-sack, woe-is-me person. Far from it!! I have always had a silly side, a funloving side that loves to pretend (hence my drama major in college). And as I grow in my faith and in His Word, I also find a contentment and sense of JOY at being God's child. God has given me so much--especially His only Son who died for me and for you. Who can't be joyful about that?? My folks raised us to work hard and to be grateful for what we have, and those values have only grown deeper over time.
So when my birthday rolls around, it feels kind of funny to get the "star treatment". I think back to when I was a child and all eyes were on me and my birthday cake. I was kind of embarrassed, but also felt very special. This was MY day!

The neat thing about becoming a parent is that your children never let you forget that special feeling. The mom side of me fights it--"I've got work to do; I should be helping others and not taking time for myself!"....but the kid side of me is encouraged by my OWN kids. "I LOVE birthdays!" "Mommy, this is YOUR day and we're going to do whatever you want today!" "I made my bed today without anybody telling me to, just for you, Mom!" "Where are we going out to eat, Mom? You get to pick the restaurant!"
Like most grown-ups, I would rather skip the getting-older part. And I don't really need presents in boxes. I already have so much more than I deserve or need. My favorite present of all this year was when my husband made & decorated a birthday cake with the kids. I wish I had a picture of that--oh wait, I do!

So I guess even a Slacker Mom like me gets to enjoy a special day. For 24 hours, I indulged myself. And the little girl from the 70s came out to play!

Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.--Psalm 90:12 NLT
This is not to say that I am a sad-sack, woe-is-me person. Far from it!! I have always had a silly side, a funloving side that loves to pretend (hence my drama major in college). And as I grow in my faith and in His Word, I also find a contentment and sense of JOY at being God's child. God has given me so much--especially His only Son who died for me and for you. Who can't be joyful about that?? My folks raised us to work hard and to be grateful for what we have, and those values have only grown deeper over time.
So when my birthday rolls around, it feels kind of funny to get the "star treatment". I think back to when I was a child and all eyes were on me and my birthday cake. I was kind of embarrassed, but also felt very special. This was MY day!

The neat thing about becoming a parent is that your children never let you forget that special feeling. The mom side of me fights it--"I've got work to do; I should be helping others and not taking time for myself!"....but the kid side of me is encouraged by my OWN kids. "I LOVE birthdays!" "Mommy, this is YOUR day and we're going to do whatever you want today!" "I made my bed today without anybody telling me to, just for you, Mom!" "Where are we going out to eat, Mom? You get to pick the restaurant!"
Like most grown-ups, I would rather skip the getting-older part. And I don't really need presents in boxes. I already have so much more than I deserve or need. My favorite present of all this year was when my husband made & decorated a birthday cake with the kids. I wish I had a picture of that--oh wait, I do!

So I guess even a Slacker Mom like me gets to enjoy a special day. For 24 hours, I indulged myself. And the little girl from the 70s came out to play!

Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.--Psalm 90:12 NLT
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