Wednesday, July 4, 2012


 I feel so lucky to live in a country where we are *FREE* to worship God like this!
Last week we had our 8th Annual Vacation Bible School.  Our theme was "The Lord's Army" with a study of Ephesians 6, putting on the full Armor of God.  Over 35 youth and adults like these guys helped us bring that study to life...

Do YOU have your Armor on?  Are you ready to face the trials of this world?
Helmet of Salvation...check!  Sword of the Spirit...check!  Belt of Truth...check!  Shield of Faith...check!  Chestplate of Righteousness...check!  Gospel Shoes...check!
We had 87 children from age 3 through 12 join us for VBS.  Here's Company Gray (the preschoolers)!
Company Brown! (Grades 3-4 ...Paige & Shae had a ball with their friends)
Company Green!  (Grades 1-2...the water-bottle-holder is our baby!!)
Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of Delta Company (Cy's group, grades 5-6) or Company Tan (Kindergarten).  Kinda busy running music, skits, and helping with everything else;)

Private "Ivan Issue" (2nd from the left, our funny man Joe K.) finally understood what it means to protect yourself and be ready for whatever the world throws at you.  It took him 4 nights, but he finally got it!

 This isn't a good picture of them singing, but the music staff and I had a great time singing all week.  Favorites were "The B-I-B-L-E" Go Fish Guys version, "Me Without You" by TobyMac, and "Gold" by Britt Nicole.

Sergeant Michael Parks from the Army National Guard 229# devoted a lot of time and attention to our Family Night.  He spoke with the kids on being prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually for battle.
 Each night's closing prayer is led by a different clergyman/woman from around town.  The Family Night worship was led by our own pastor, Pr. Mark!  In the foreground, Mandy W. (and her little boy Pierce!) are explaining that the kids took pledges and raised over $1000 for the Wounded Warrior Project!!  Great job Mandy and everybody!!
"Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above...with wisdom, power, & love..."

After worship it was time for the FUN STUFF!!
Check out what the SSG Parks brought for us to play with...courtesy of the National Guard!!

Lots of little legs needed help up into that obstacle course, including Little Bear's :)
I didn't get over to the Wounded Warrior Run/Walk in time, but Mandy had posters and Bible verses on every other post around the field.  The whole theme was selected in honor of our hometown boy SSG Adam Alexander, who was injured in Afghanistan on November 10, 2011.  He has had 2 head surgeries and is undergoing extensive rehab/p.t. right now...but he's doing really well and hopes to be married this fall!  We continue to pray for him and hope to present him with a big check from VBS for the Wounded Warrior Project in a few months!

President U.S. Grant said, "Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties; write its precepts on your hearts and practice them in your lives.  To the influence of this book we are indebted for the practice them in your lives.  To the influence of this book we are indebted for the progress made, and to this we must look as our guide in the future."

Well said! 
Happy Independence Day to America ...and to all believers!

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. --Psalm 119:45 (NIV)


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