Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I haven't done one of these in a while, which is a real shame because I need to develop and maintain an "attitude of gratitude" as my dad used to call it!

I am thankful for...

*my Savior Jesus Christ who has already paid the price, if I just realize that and keep on sharing the Good News of my salvation through Him!

*my husband and children, my parents and siblings, my extended family on both sides and the ability to visit with them quite often as we don't live very far from any of them.

*my health and my family's health.  Prayers for my dad and mom as they struggle with health issues on a day-to-day basis, and for all of those who deal with chronic illness. There's a saying that when you come to the end of yourself, God is all you have.  I believe that with my whole being, no matter if you come to the end of yourself or not!

*our awesome church family and the fact that this "big guy" came together so well when I was preparing the Bible lesson on Jonah!

*the opportunity to brush up on my teaching skills on a more permanent basis. 

*the great kids in Mrs. A's classroom and in our whole school! Plus the great people I get to work with!

*the fact that Mrs. A's son is coming out of his surgeries in the best way possible, healing and showing improvement.  Thank God for his healing power!

*getting to "sleep in" this morning!


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!--Philippians 4:4


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