It's no fun to drive in, but it certainly is fun to look at out the window!

The "Blizzard of 2011" the media is calling it. I'm not sure how many inches we received, but the blowing and drifting were very impressive. Impressive enough to take Mark well over an hour to plow out our driveway!

The snow is lily-white, but not the dog. Poor Mick. Back in the day, we used to give him a bath in our tub. That was before he became a Country Boy!

Needless to say, the past few days have been snow days. Kids home, crazy house, crazy mom. It felt good to go outside, feed the calves, and listen to nothing.

Snow, as we all know, cleans everything up. Even if it's only for a short while, the landscape is white and pristine.

It shuts things up that just aren't that urgent. No need to open up those things right now.

I think that's the way it is with people. You walk out into a new snow, a BIG snow, and you realize that you're not going anywhere right now. You are small, and the world around you is big. And you don't need to do any talking. Some things just aren't that urgent!

You just enjoy being a part of it. You make snow angels.

You step into it, not knowing how deep you'll go, but secure that everything's going to be alright.

You realize that your pesky little sister is not so bad. In fact, she's kind of fun. She looks up to you, and you white out all those feelings of resentment and jealousy. You enjoy a clean slate with her, if only for a little while.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.--2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
The "Blizzard of 2011" the media is calling it. I'm not sure how many inches we received, but the blowing and drifting were very impressive. Impressive enough to take Mark well over an hour to plow out our driveway!
The snow is lily-white, but not the dog. Poor Mick. Back in the day, we used to give him a bath in our tub. That was before he became a Country Boy!
Needless to say, the past few days have been snow days. Kids home, crazy house, crazy mom. It felt good to go outside, feed the calves, and listen to nothing.
Snow, as we all know, cleans everything up. Even if it's only for a short while, the landscape is white and pristine.
It shuts things up that just aren't that urgent. No need to open up those things right now.
I think that's the way it is with people. You walk out into a new snow, a BIG snow, and you realize that you're not going anywhere right now. You are small, and the world around you is big. And you don't need to do any talking. Some things just aren't that urgent!
You just enjoy being a part of it. You make snow angels.
You step into it, not knowing how deep you'll go, but secure that everything's going to be alright.
You realize that your pesky little sister is not so bad. In fact, she's kind of fun. She looks up to you, and you white out all those feelings of resentment and jealousy. You enjoy a clean slate with her, if only for a little while.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.--2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
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