Long Live the 80s !!

Well, we didn't have time to make a letterbox and plant it at the park on Saturday, but sometimes it's better to just "let go" and be spontaneous, right? We had a great day at our class reunion, starting with Mark going golfing with classmates in the morning. The family picnic was a great time to see classmates with their children. Most of us have young children and are still in the running-after-them stage. Mark managed to keep all 4 of our girls occupied at the same time for a few minutes!
Then we hung out at my parents' house (love the free babysitting, thanks Grandma and Grandpa!) while I made a trip up to the local pub to clean tables and decorate a bit for the reunion. The kids and I mod-podged copies of pics from old yearbooks and scrapbooks around soup cans to make vases. My mom and I cut some fresh tiger lilies and phlox (orange and black were our colors so the lilies looked great).I spraypainted cardboard frames for posters blown up from pics (plug for Copyworks). It was a pretty low-budget deal, but I think it looked festive!

***THE CLASS OF '88***
Hard to believe that it's been 20 years already, but I think everyone looked pretty darn good. (Nobody grossly overweight or chain-smoker-looking...yet). My husband and I are the only ones in our class to be married to each other (I had a crush on him for 3 years in high school, but we only dated twice then--junior prom and senior prom). I know I'm biased, but I think he's still the best-looking dude in our class :)
All in all, it was a great reunion and I can't wait till the next one!
Okay I can. I don't want to be 5 years older.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.--Ecclesiastes 3:1
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