Family Fun Week
Every year the first week in August is Family Fun Week. It's the one week where Mark doesn't have to work at summer school, right before football practice starts. This year we went on little "day trips" and gave the kids clues to our whereabouts as we traveled to get there. Here's a re-cap of the week:


We went out for ice cream and rented a movie, "The Waterhorse". Overall family review: 4 stars (a little too scary for our younger children, and mom doesn't like dinosaur-looking things). But the historical features and storyline were pretty good.

We visited Spook Cave near MacGregor, Iowa...then swam at Bear Foot Bay (indoor water park) in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. After a stop at Cabela's (live fish + stuffed wild animals = free entertainment!) we ate supper at Friederick's Family Restaurant in Fennimore on our way home. Overall family review: 5 stars for everything!!

Dad was gone visiting his brothers, so Mom selfishly picked the destination: Dubuque, Iowa for shopping! (After all, who doesn't have fun watching Mom try on potential outfits for her 20th class reunion coming up on Saturday?)
We went to Target, Sam's Club, Petco, Michael's (bought wooden crafts for the kids), Old Navy, Goodwill, and Aldi's. Then on our way out of town we ventured over to Grand View Park and had a picnic which abruptly ended with a thunderstorm. Oh well, it was fun anyway! Mom's rating = Five stars (scored a clearance skirt at Old Navy & a matching top at Goodwill). Kid's rating = Three stars (had to wait for mom a lot & didn't get to play a lot at the park due to the storm).

We went on our 3rd letterboxing expedition at Mound View Park in Platteville. First we had a picnic and enjoyed the playground. The letterboxing hunt was really challenging; we had to back-track 3 times but finally found the hidden letter box! Overall rating = Five Stars (gotta love a challenge)

We ventured a few minutes southeast of town to the Potosi campground and rode bikes. Always a family favorite! OVERALL RATING = 4 stars because we didn't get started much before dark, and a Friday night at a campground is pretty busy. H
owever, the river was peaceful, the campers were friendly as usual, and the scenery was gorgeous! We finished off with ice cream from the Sportsman's Shack. Can't beat their 25-cent baby cones!
We ventured a few minutes southeast of town to the Potosi campground and rode bikes. Always a family favorite! OVERALL RATING = 4 stars because we didn't get started much before dark, and a Friday night at a campground is pretty busy. H

We haven't gone yet, but today is Mark and my 20th high school class reunion (yikes, I just gave up my age). We are taking the kids to the family picnic scheduled at noon in Belmont, and we hope to create our own letterbox to place at the park over there. Then the kids will be staying on Grandma & Granpda's farm while the grown-ups go to reminisce and laugh. Should be a good time for all! We'll give you the rating later!
We haven't gone yet, but today is Mark and my 20th high school class reunion (yikes, I just gave up my age). We are taking the kids to the family picnic scheduled at noon in Belmont, and we hope to create our own letterbox to place at the park over there. Then the kids will be staying on Grandma & Granpda's farm while the grown-ups go to reminisce and laugh. Should be a good time for all! We'll give you the rating later!
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