January Re-cap
Mark's home away from home (as he would rather not have it)...the gym. Game managing lots and lots of basketball games. But this time, it's not so bad because he gets to watch his kid play!(#30)
Cy finished his basketball season in January. What is it about watching your own kid that makes the game that much more fun? I am one of those cheering parents who is hopefully not obnoxious to others. I don't yell negative stuff, just positive encouragement once in a while. I can't help it; it's the cheerleader in me.
I avoid coaching from the bleachers. Because a) I don't know enough about the sport to critique/offer suggestions, b) I am married to a coach and I know how aggravating that is to the people who really DO know, and c) these are kids and it's just for fun and learning!
I didn't take this next picture, but I had to include it because it's my cute little grandnephew Eric (age 5, on the right) at one of his first wrestling meets. His dad and grandpa were big wrestlers in high school, so I guess it's never too early to learn the sport, right? I just hope they don't get as intense about it as the boy on the left. It's okay, buddy!
Last up for January, but certainly not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!
After a 5-day bout with cold/flu bug, it was good to have him come back into the land of the living...and enjoy a snow day at home, too! (Please ignore the dirty windows.)
We can make our plans,
but the Lord determines our steps. --Proverbs 16:9
but the Lord determines our steps. --Proverbs 16:9
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