Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Journey with Jesus

It's Holy Week and a time to reflect on how much our Lord and Savior truly loves us. Pastor Mark boggled my mind the other day with his message that Jesus died for ME, with MY sins from 2010 on his mind. Head-to-the-heart knowledge is always a challenge for me, as I often intellectualize* everything. (Not that I am that intellectual, but I do have a tendency to get caught up in words and books and don't always internalize the meaning of things.)

So when I took the time to consider this, it's so true. Jesus is God, and God is omniscient (all-knowing) and omni-present (transcending time). God died for my sins back in 33 A.D. My sins of 1970 to the present...and beyond. It is mind-blowing, kind of like the "Back to the Future" movies if you really think about them. Because there IS such a thing as thinking about stuff too much.

Anyway, this past month in Sunday School we've been learning about Jesus and his final week leading up to the Resurrection. We split the kids into five groups, each led by parents who helped the kids re-enact that last week.
We cried "Hosanna!" and waved palms as Jesus entered Jerusalem...

...sampled unleavened bread as Jesus celebrated the Passover (His Last Supper) with His disciples...

...watched as Peter, James, and John fell asleep despite Jesus' urging to keep watch and pray with him in the Garden of Gethsemane...

...visited the foot of the cross where Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of all...

...and rejoiced in the surprise of an empty tomb on Easter morning.

This week is gut-wrenching, a roller-coaster ride of emotions for Jesus and for all of those who believe in Him. Considering the brutal beatings and death that He went through for me (who would not appear and start messing up selfishly until 2000 years later), it is humbling/devastating/awe-inspiring to me. Praise God for the promise of Easter!

*not sure if this is a word, but hopefully you get what I'm thinking/feeling!

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."--John 11:25-26


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