Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random Observations & Cute Things They Say

**Apparently our twins are mirror-image twins. Shae is right-handed and Paige is a lefty. I passed on the southpaw gene to Paige, and I guess I passed on the ability to replace a toilet paper roll to Shae. Because no one else in the house appears to be able to figure out that tp-holder-mechanism. Ah, the wonders of DNA.

**Toys (and toy parts) that I throw away have a miraculous way of regenerating themselves/reappearing.

**Chickens like to be cooped up. I guess that's why they live in a chicken COOP. You should see our Rhode Island Reds; they're looking quite voluptuous. Their feathers are red and shiny, and their bodies are quite plump. Since they haven't laid eggs in 3 months, I'm thinking they may just find their way into our freezer!

**I don't know exactly how many pounds our 10-month-old calves are, but when one of them steps on your foot, it hurts.


Cute things they say, part ??:
"When I was born Mom, I was in your belly for 3 days at the hospital."--Wynne, age 3.5

"God didn't make stinky cheese!" (Swiss) --Wynne age 3.5 (AMEN to that!)

"When you get little Mom, you will have fun like me."
(Me): Will you be my friend?
(Wynne): "Yes!"
(Me): Will you let me wear your clothes?
(Wynne): "Yes!"
(Gotta love her generosity at such a young age.)


Blogger Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Wynne is just too darn cute!

I'm betting those chickens will be tasty... either if they lay eggs or end up in chicken noodle soup. :)

February 4, 2010 at 11:05 AM  

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